Easy to assemble, 3D printed case for LattePanda Delta 3 with 80 mm cooler

There are hardly any enclosures for the LattePanda Delta 3 at the moment, so I was motivated to at least design my own simple enclosure, which can even replace the pre-assembled fan.
This enclosure can therefore be easily printed with a 3D printer and easily assembled.
Hendrik Behme Tutorials
Easy to assemble, 3D printed case for LattePanda Delta 3 with 80 mm cooler
LattePanda Delta 3 mit Custom Gehäuse

Required materials:

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The tops and bottoms have to be printed out accordingly.

Then screw the 4 16 mm M3 screws into the bottom of the case and position the PCB directly on top.
The board can then be secured with the 4 standoffs.

Then you can remove the cover of the originally installed fan, simply unscrew the following 4 screws (marked red): 

LatePanda 3 Delta top view with marker

The cover can then be lifted carefully. The fan can remain mounted as desired, we only need the heat sink itself.
Finally, the existing fan cable must be pulled out of the socket (marked yellow).

The next step is to mount the new fan on the top of the case. To do this, simply use the 4 12mm long M4 screws and nuts:

Make sure that the fan is oriented correctly, as can be seen here by the arrows. You may also want to make sure that the cable is well positioned so that you don't have a lot of cable hanging in the air.

The cable from the fan is then connected to the adapter cable and this is then connected to the "fan" port on the LattePanda:

Finally, the top is attached to the spacers with the 4 5mm M3 screws.

Custom Gehäuse für LattePanda Delta 3 mit 80mm Lüfter

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